In the United States, each medical center owns the images, reports, and multimodal data. It is legal to and ethical to share these under an IRB-approved research study. The Artificial Intelligence Multi-Institutional Network for Ethical Research (AI MINER) is an IRB approved research study. This study has minimal risk, qualities for a HIPAA waiver and waiver of consent, and the images, reports, and multimodal data will be de-identified with a coded identifier applied.
The following PHI will remain with the Academic Partners and will not be entered into the AI MINER repository:
No. The name of each AMC is removed from the images, reports, and multimodal data as part of the de-identified process. Our de-identification software labels each site with a coded identifier that cannot be linked back to the specific AMCs by outside entities.
We don’t sell or place a value on patient images, reports, or data. Our fair pricing covers research and service expenses only, including personnel effort and data curation, de-identification, storage and transfer. The costs of our services depend upon the volume of images needed and overall complexity of the research, including the need for patient outcomes data.